BOOK REVIEWS - e-books
CHILD AND FREEDOM - short novel
MAN AND CHAIN - shortnovel
ME, MY AND I - links to pages about something
9/11 Anniversary: Liberty - THE AGENT OF PEACE
PHIEL-AWE-SO-FLEE - philosophy
VORTEX! - science fiction novel
WRITERS TOOLS AND LINKS - other related sites
You have been awarded the March 2001 Site of the Month Award:
I am very proud of this award. I do hope that you find my writings will live up to such praise.
Thank you for keeping my thoughts alive.
- --the author.
The single worst crime one person can commit against another human being is to (Knowingly) leave them to wallow in ignorance. Everything we know in this, the 21st Century, is a result of those in the centuries preceding having written down what they knew. Read, so that you may know. Write, so that you may tell what you know. Tell, that others to come may also know: The written word is the light that leads us all through the darkness that is ignorance.
Having been, over the years (along with lesser pursuits) employed as soldier, postal worker, carpenter, caterer, photographer, professional musician, a millwright and last, into the present day, an over head crane operator, without fail, no matter the diverse undertakings of my life, I have been a writer. It is incredibly easy to get someone's attention with a baseball bat: Pick it up and swing. Were it only so simple to instill such power within the syllables of a word. Still, I continue to write, seeking that magic that might, if only for one moment, reach out and touch the heart and mind of another. Let them know that others dare to imagine and dream....
- --Doug L.
An abecedarian: "One who teaches the letters of the alphabet." (OK; A, B, C, it? Good.) Now that we have the difficult part over with...communciation between us can commence.
An abecedarian is also defined as: "One who is a learner of the letters...(well, I have been giving it my best efforts for some years now) amateur in any area of learning, elementary; rudimentary." That last might do it; perhaps we have successfully classified the author, found a description to fit.
Certainly rudimentary, one who is an expert on nothing, but who knows just enough about something to convince himself he is and, with that conviction as his armor, to write about it as if he were. Now the really hard part begins: Finding someone who wants to read the stuff....
This is the doorway which leads to all of my unsolicited advice on the many issues concerning which I may know but little and, nevertheless, about which I have much to say.
My writing is comprised of fiction, articles about writing and posting on
the web and my own personal brand of philosophy each article, story or thought may be viewed individually and taken for its own, or be viewed as only another stop along the way...a part of the journey.
If you please: "Begin the journey...."
- --the author.
Douglas L. Simmons
Copyright © 2001 by Douglas L. Simmons
All rights to this work are reserved and this work, or any portion of it,
may not be reproduced, copied, mirrored or displayed on any public web site without the express written permission of the author. This text may not be reproduced in printed form and made for sale without the express written permission of the author.
Much of my work has been previously published as electroncic books, articles in the Internet News Letter of Global Publishing Company and in several other on line publications.
It is my expressed hope that these tales, most of all, bring joy to the hearts of readers and, if possible, lend them a different viewpoint from which to know the world in which they live.
- --the author (Douglas L. Simmons)
Grocho Marx once said: "Outside of a dog; a book is a mans best friend.
Inside of a dog; it's too dark too read!"
On this page you will find synopses of, and links to, my published novels, and short descriptions of my other works. From there you may decide to continue onward and read the books which are free for you to read on line or, copy and paste into your palm for ease of reading; or not...
- you wish.
THE AGENT OF PEACE - 9/11 Anniversary: Liberty
Pulsars And Neutron Stars
Pulsars And Neutron Stars
Pulsars and Neutron Stars
Douglas L. Simmons
Copyright © 1979, 2005
I have, since early youth, taken a great interest in all things astronomical.
During the later years of the 1970's I was a member (for two of those years, President) of The Calumet Astronomical Society, of Northwest Indiana.
The following is a presentation I drafted in 1979 which, based upon the knowledge and theories of that era detail the formation and structure of pulsars; a variety of the class of objects known as neutron stars.
While the manuscript itself is outdated, these nearly thirty years later, and the images were drawn by hand, photographed onto 35 mm slides and, only recently, scanned into digital images, the information is still relevant and accurate. Presuming the reader has some prior knowledge of matters astronomical, it is most certainly still useful as an introduction to pulsars and perhaps still informative to those with some prior knowledge.
It is presented with the hopes of educating and leading the reader on to further studies of their own.
Should I find that this article elicits the volume of attention to justify taking time from other activities, I will attempt of draft and post other article of a similar vein.
Until then, please do enjoy this short exploration of the enigmatic Pulsar...
Pulsars And Neutron Stars
Man And Chain
Man and Chain
William is a seventy year old man who's life has been spent seeking money and security. As President of the Collier Bank in Boseman Montana William has achieved the goals of an earlier time. Now he wants to retire and enjoy his family.
On the eve of his departure he is attacked by two of his sons, who seek to wrest control of the family fortune from their father. William abandons all he struggled through the years to secure and, accompanied by a young drifter he meets on the road, flees the wrath of his greedy offspring in search of a peace his money cannot buy.
Man and Chain
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Child And Freedom
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Read: Child And Freedom
James is a man in the middle of life who, caught up in the confusion of that time, remembers the little boy he was and finds again the truth in the "magic" that little boy once knew.
James is an eleven year old boy, caught up in the aftermath of a real life tornado while, at the same time, battling the monster living in his imagination rather than face the real one who haunts his existence. Until, off on a summer's journey, he meets a rather strange man, and learns to turn from his self delusion. Turn and face the day....
Reader Comments:
"Cool start. I loved reading this piece. Congrats, and keep up the good work"
- --slbambrick
- --Carolyn Kandell
- --Audrey Shaffer
- --Selina Adamo
Child and Freedom
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Becoming The Rose
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Read: Becoming the
"Becoming the Rose"
copyright © 1997
Douglas L. Simmons.
This work, if compared to today's mass market fiction, is a shorter work than many. It is not intended for that market, it was written for those who might desire to love.
Billy is a successful musician. He has everything any one person would desire; except peace of mind. Fleeing from the demons of his past, he staggers drunkenly into an unlikely future. Traveling the country on a whirlwind tour, soaring at the apex of his career, he abruptly learns....
....He has lost the wind beneath his wings.
It is time to crash and burn.
Or fly.
Mona is a young girl running away from an unendurable home. Hoping to find the justice she feels that past life has denied her, Mona seeks a rendezvous with Billy. During the course of her travels, she encounters Bobby.
Bobby, a middle aged trucker, who is tragically driving through yesterday on his way to tomorrow, has nothing in common with the singer, or the young girl, except desire....
Fate has conspired to use him as the unlikely vehicle that will bring them all together.
Reader Comments:
"I enjoyed reading your work. I hope you sell this as a novel."
- ...joanna hooste
from the beginning."
- ...mary patton
"A bit of joy (and sadness too) a lot of song lyrics and a surprise ending!"
"Give that friend who loves to read this touching gift of love. Send them the first page of 'Becoming The Rose'. Once they begin to read, they'll want the rest of the pages...."
- ...anonymous.
Becoming the Rose
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Douglas L. Simmons
All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published Internationally in electronic format by Global Publishing Bureau Limited, Scotland.
First Global Publishing Bureau Electronic Edition: June 1, 2001.
Parts of this work are copyright © 1997 by Douglas L. Simmons Library of Congress Number: TXu 831-019
All of the work is copyright © 2000 by Douglas L. Simmons.
This little book is dedicated to all of us who have had to journey into the heart of the jungle in order to find the source of denial.
Begin the journey.
This is the place where you will find all of my lessons learned. Some by observation, some by trips and falls....
The single worst crime one human being can commit against another is: To knowingly leave them wallowing in ignorance. Everything we know in this, the 21st Century is a result of those in the centuries preceding having written down what they knew.
Read: so that you may know.
Write: so that you may tell what you know; that others to come may also know.
The written word is the light that leads us all through the darkness that is ignorance.
....I trudged through the daily routine of living; which seems to consume the lives of us all as we become adults and forget the joy of touching the beauty around us. Or, even more importantly, being willing to let that beauty reach out and touch the ugly creature we have become.
Letting it touch us; without fear it may make us seem to be less than we are, or might just compel us to become more than we have been. That we might, by accepting the presence of such beauty, be made beautiful ourselves. That, by proximity, that beauty might enter our thoughts, our feelings, and our words. That we might be commanded by beauty to act in kind.
Thinking we don't deserve such beauty in our lives , we settle for less and so become less than the dreams we had so long ago. The dreams which should have become the reality but were pushed aside in favor of security, and safety, and comfort.
Living in a world of broken dreams and promises. Dwelling amid the ruin of unfulfilled expectations. Surrounded by the lie we convince ourselves we are, we cut our souls on the thorns of reality while trying to clutch the illusion of the flower; which is only a word.
A description of the truth.
A telling of the growth which came before.
I continue this journey, aware now that I am on the journey. This one simple change in my condition has improved my outlook, and behavior, my expectations and desires.
My motive, and my hope....
....the room is without windows. I have been in the world. Windows would distract me now. The living calls to me always. I spent the entire past summer riding with my wife upon the motorcycle that is one of the small freedoms our time has granted my soul. Too many years were spent stumbling in the darkness, with drunken and blighted companions for my only solace. I am content (for now) to remain in my isolation and write about that world. To speak a word into that dismal sphere and let there be (if not light) at least a sound.
Were I in it still; I would not be writing....
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The Craft Of Writing.
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-Writers Tools and
Writers Tools and
....links to other writing related sites...
....Reviews of electronic books which I have read; some newly published; others, scanned editions of print works that are now available on-line.
Flying Low...
READ: "Road Rulers...or...Rules of the Road."
Flying Low...
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-Thoughts For The
...I can't come up with a new thought every day so... are some random visions...
Thoughts For The
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Coming Soon: Vortex!
Beginning on the night the mysterious gray building across the woods from his parents house had exploded, the dark stranger, William Powell, began to show up every time Tommy Wilson was in trouble. Tommy did not know who the stranger was, or why the man should have decided to become his own personal guardian angel. If it took the rest of his life, he intended to find out...
(I'm writing as fast as I can....this is not only my longest work to date but also the most involved and technically difficult....I'm still a rookie!)
In the mean time, here are some reviews, written by those who have read the first half of the novel....
Reader Comments:
Your book is off to a great start, Doug!
Your descriptions of Chicago, and the streetwalkers, put the wind in my ears and the chill in my bones.
Moves right along, with social commentary sprinkled in for good measure. Now, to discover what the vortex is, and why it leaves such ghastly results.
Excellent! Looking forward to reading the rest...keep writing
- -- Michael McNamara
- --Lisa
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Reluctantly Collected Poems
Reluctantly Collected Poems
Me, My and
links to pages about something.
of blogs with nothing more to proclaim to the world than, "Look at me! I'm so special! You must be dying to learn about my life!"
Click!, they're gone from my computer screen before most even have
time to finish loading.
links to pages about something.
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(Save this page in your favorites. Check back from time to time for new articles or something you may have missed along the way.)
- Thank you for keeping my thoughts alive.
An astute writer once advised all readers: "If you are reading and come upon
a word which you do not know the meaning of, immediately, go to the
dictionary and find out. Else you might well miss the single most important
message in the book!"
I believe this advice could indeed apply to every aspect of our lives.'t leave your homepage without it!
I like it!